To whom may concern.

We hope you find yourself well. We are very happy that you could help in the berst way, we apreciate in the mos attentive way for your great suppor towards our father, because witouth your help we would have never been with our beloved father, there is no other human being as good as your and the people around you.

Specially my father sends you a warm greeting and a big hug for you and your family and a big hug for all the support you offered when we most needed it.

We write to you mainly, to thank you eternally for the money you send us for my father and  that in some way helped us very much. Even though we don’t know  you and this way you infinitely, even though we are a poor and humble family, we are happy, even after the tragic situation that our father went through.

We wish you the best in your life, we hope you will always be doing good and remember we will never stop appreciating the favor you made to us.

We  send you many greetings, specially my dad Miguel Montejo Mayo.

Sincerely, Montejo Montejo family.